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Falling apart

Can I just say how random pre blogging this is...

So today the ceiling above my desk fell apart (I'll get into details later) so I wanted to be "creative" and entitle the blog with lyrics to a song. I googled "songs about houses falling apart" and what comes up - yes a song but I click on it and the video is a compilation of Vampire Diaries! One of my favourite shows which coincidently just wrapped up the series but really - is this a sign?
Here's the Song

Picture this in your mind - after a long day I'm finally able to heat up my lunch. I get a warning that a patients relative is going to come upstairs to book the surgery. Fine. I'm hunched over gobbling down chicken and roasted peppers and they appear. Not two minutes later the 2 layers of the ceiling drop - right where I was eating. I'm saddened my lunch may have gotten water or crumbles of the ceiling in it but I'm appreciative that the patient came in perfect timing. If I wasn't assisting that patient in that exact time frame, that sh*t would have landed on my head. What a god damn relief !!! Thankfully this also happened as our clinic was just finishing up so there was only 1 patient we couldn't print out a day sheet for.

I remember one time I came into the office on a Monday and noticed the ceiling in pieces over my desk. This time was 3 years ago and apparently got "fixed". That accident must have happened over the weekend because it wasn't like that on the Thursday prior before I left the office.

It's just annoying now because there are papers everywhere. Coworker took papers from the floor, my  area, the billing agents area and it's all TOGETHER. I am insanely organized. Now that I have to go through all this paper trying to figure out what's mine, hers and what's been scanned and what not is stressing me out. On top of all this, tonight Jack and I were going to collaborate and work on our speech - no - this isn't done and yes it's on sunday! Jacks mom and her boyfriend want to go out for dinner. I'm not one to ever say no to food but Jeeees a girls gotta tend to her priorities. I don't want a huge wedding anymore just city hall and a huge party!!! Time to destress with a glass of wine. If you haven't figured it out yet - I'm over the detox. Heck, I couldn't even last one day. The amount of stress is murdering me. I'll start Tuesday next week. Stay tuned. <3

Cheers to wine and being able to rant about your day to an online journal. 

Possible ceiling crumble in my lunch - tossed it in the microwave a second time again - hopefully I murdered the bacteria (just in case if water landed in there). This is leftover Swiss chalet chicken breast skin removed with roasted green and orange peppers, zucchini and brussel sprouts. Saved some for tomorrow's lunch too.


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