Saturday rolls around and I have been dying to check out this new gym - it's in between my house and my work so I thought it would be perfect since Jack is working on Saturday (starting at 8:00 am and the gym opens at 7:00 am) so he would drive me there and I could check it out!
We get there and see signs for "GoodLife parking" but we could not locate which way the arrow was pointing. I swear I felt like the stupidest basic b*tch of life. Was I missing something? Was there a hidden sign that I just couldn't see or are my eyes failing me. Mind you I haven't had them tested in a good 6 years.. We circled around a couple of times until Jack was fed up (and so was I) so he dropped me off at the main doors and I went in.
It's 7:15 am and Aqua Fit doesn't start until 9:00 am. No biggie. I haven't been to the gym in so long it was good I went and got a good work out in. Did minor machines for my lower and upper body then walked around the track before getting my swim suit on.
Most of the time I LOVE OLD PEOPLE.
But this cranky ass woman called out my friend and I when we opened the doors to access the pool "Excuse me ladies you have to shower before entering the pool".
I take one look at her (as I'm fcking DRIPPING) "I did. Can't you see I'm dripping water and I'm wet?!". Like there's no need to give the tudes early on a Saturday morning. Just have fun with it and remain positive. SMH.
I don't understand why people have such negative energy. Anyways this blog is not dedicated to some crank. This blog is meant to be about leave in conditioner.
Did I fail to get the memo on how you put it in your hair? Usually when I go to the gym I'll murder the workout then get my shoes on and head home to shower there. So I wasn't prepared when my friend was like 'Anna I have an extra towel are you going to shower. I have all the stuff' and I'm like alright cool. I didn't want to wash my hair because y'know blow drying and make up prep takes awhile so instead I spray this leave in conditioner.
The next day my hair is like a rock. I couldn't tell if I forgot I got food in my hair or it's this leave in conditioner. My hair is hard, sticky and just feels weird. It feels like a wig. Am I missing something? Did I put it in wrong? Too much? Too little? I have leave in conditioner at home but now I'm afraid to use it after this. I guess I'm not just a fitness noob but also a hygiene noob. I feel so pathetic. Lol.
I'll be back to blog later. It's Monday. My intern didn't show up so I have a lot to do. Stay tuned.
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